How to be a Pandemic Denier

The pandemic is this case is Covid-19 in 2020, though the pandemic could be SARS, MERS, Ebola etc.

To deny a pandemic is easy. Anyone can do it. No knowledge or understanding is required. In fact, the less the better. However there are some dos and don’ts.

Under no circumstance suggest that easily transmissable diseases might increase geometrically. For example, if cases double every week the numbers would look 2,4,8,16,32,64,128 etc. Or that if numbers doubled every week for a year everyone in the could be exposed. Instead make it out has a kind of linear increase, like 1,2,3,4,5 etc.

Do compare COVID with something that is relatively constant. For example you could compare it with car accidents which is roughly the same number every year. Ignore the enormous steps taken to improve road safety. Do not suggest that geometrically increasing cases could eventually overtake what was initially a much larger number.

Do compare COVID with seasonal influenza. Say flu is worse without knowing the figures.

Do not use the word carrier to describe someone who has the disease, whether they have tested positive or have been tested. This word is politically incorrect and suggests there is a possibility this person may spread the disease.

Do say it is extremely unlikely or even impossible that a carrier who is not showing symptoms can spread the disease. Do not use the word asymptomatic or the phrase asymptomatic spread or silent spread.

Do not suggest it may be possible that there may be long term harmful effects as in the case of SARS.

Do say that only old people die from it or only old people with pre-existing conditions. Say no people under 40 can get it, or choose whatever age you like. One forum poster wrote that in Italy nobody under 83 had died from it. Ignore studies that found 4% of deaths were in people under 60.

Do not mention that people who smoke are at much higher risk of death.

If you are a national leader you are in a great position to deny COVID. Your supporters may admire you and unconsciously adopt your attitudes. You can simply state that there is no COVID in your country at all. You can even make mentioning the word coronavirus or discussing it illegal.

As a leader, do you share your own opinions about how to deal with the virus. For example say drinking lots of Vodka and being outdoor in the cold prevent it.

If you are a religious leader, do ignore lockdown instructions and keep your churches, mosques etc. open.

If you run a business keep in mind that the economy (your profit) is always more important than other people’s well-being and life. This especially applies to cruise companies, airline companies and meat processing factories.


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